Featured Tool


Generate stunning color palettes instantly. Edit, save, and export beautiful color schemes.

Coolors Overview

Coolors is a powerful and user-friendly color scheme generator designed for designers and creative professionals. It allows you to create, save, and share beautiful color palettes quickly and efficiently, making it an essential tool for any design project.


Primarily offering export options to common formats, users can easily transfer their color palettes between Coolors and their preferred design environments through the export feature, which enhances workflow consistency across different design projects.

Features Breakdown

Coolors has a range of features designed for designers and creatives. It allows users to instantly generate stunning color palettes with a single click and customize these palettes to fit specific project needs. The platform supports exporting palettes in multiple formats, including PDF, PNG, SVG, CSS, and ASE, making it easy to use these color schemes in design tools like Figma.

Key features include:

  • Color Scheme Generation: Instantly generate stunning color palettes with a single click of the ‘space’ button.
  • Accessibility! Coolors includes accessibility tools to check color contrast and ensure that designs are inclusive and visually accessible.

Use Cases

  • Graphic Design: Generate cohesive color schemes for branding and marketing materials.
  • Web Design: Create accessible and visually appealing color palettes for websites.
  • Illustration: Select harmonious colors for digital artwork.
  • Interior Design: Plan color schemes for interior spaces and decorations.
  • Fashion Design: Develop color palettes for clothing lines and accessories.

Too Coolors For School-ors 🙂

Coolors is a trusted tool recommended by Lanterna Tech Solutions for its simplicity and effectiveness in creating beautiful color palettes. We promote it to our clients and audience as a reliable resource for enhancing their design projects.